Department of Information Systems

Development of Formal Methods for FPGA-based Array Processor Design

 (Research Project funded by National Research Funds (OTKA) No. T-022115, 1997-99)

Persons involved: István Vassányi

Introduction to FPGAs and Cellular Architectures

The increasing demands on signal and image processing performance require application-specific hardware solutions, which in turn limit the flexibility of the signal processing subsystem. A relatively new technology, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer a solution to this problem by providing a completely reprogrammable hardware component which can act as a co-processor or accelerator board in a microcomputer environment. SRAM-based FPGAs can be reprogrammed in run-time in some (tens of) milliseconds an in-circuit, thereby combining the performance of custom hardware and the flexibility and ease-of-use of general purpose microprocessors. FPGA chips contain a homogenous matrix of configurable logic blocks that can be interconnected by a hierarchy of programmable routing resources.

Due to their array structure, FPGAs serve an ideal environment for systolic/cellular arrays, known as an alternative to the Neumann architecture, but not often actually applied due to the traditional lack of proper hardware support. Fine grain cellular arrays are made up by a regular SIMD network of simple identical processors, and they exploit massive (pipelined) data parallelism. As such, they can be applied to problems involving simple repetitive operations on large volumes of data, most notably image and signal processing applications.

Project Overview

The project investigates the feasibility of FPGA-based 2-dimesional, fine grain processor arrays with an emphasis on image processing applications. Since the theory of systolic arrays is a well studied area, and methods/tools are available for extracting parallelism from problems and for designing the best abstract processor array, the project focuses on the implementation problems of such arrays on SRAM-based, matrix structured FPGAs.

Two chief components of the project are the application of tiling theory for this field and the adaptation of existing FPGA CAD methods to the special features of systolic arrays (like array topology and communication symmetry).

Results Achieved

I have achieved the following results so far:


The Department has a PC-based XC3000 development system and single-FPGA demo cards (from Xilinx Inc.). I have access to an XC4000-based Spectrum G800 co-processor board and development system (from Giga Operations Inc.) at the KFKI Research Institute for Measurement and Computing Techniques, and to an XC6200-based H.O.T. development system (from Virtual Computer Co.) at the Technical University of Budapest.

Co-operation with other Institutions


(See the publications of the project coordinator, István Vassányi)

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